Bitfinex crypto exchange has been operating since 2012 and their services are available in 52 countries.
Exchange integrations
November 16, 2022
Bittrex Global has gained a reputation as one of the world's safest cryptocurrency exchanges, with over 80% of all funds held in cold storage devices. Their security features make them a perfect choice for hundreds of thousands of users who prioritize stability and security.
Bittrex Global is a popular trading platform for over half a million customers worldwide. They prioritize the safety of their customers' funds and hold between 80% to 90% of funds held in cold storage. This makes it incredibly hard for hackers to gain access to your tokens.
The exchange supports over 200 different crypto assets. This makes them a popular platform for trading professionals who make thousands of daily transactions across hundreds of currencies. They’re a great match for Blockmate’s API, enabling you to connect to half a million users with personal and business portfolios.
With Blockmate, you don’t need to set up or connect to every crypto service or protocol one by one. Everything you need is already here and part of our API. In just a few moments, you can connect any wallets your customers hold with Bittrex.